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3 Things You Can Do to Focus on Your Needs

Writer: Kingship.ChurchKingship.Church

When life feels overwhelming, disjointed, and falling apart, it is very easy to slide into pursuing our wants. After all, we view the desires we have as solutions to our current situation and even how we feel. They make the wishlist because we believe they will not only enhance our life but also rectify some errors in how our life turned out. However, rarely do our self-determined wants actually address the causes of our circumstances or the stability we need to weather the storm. We neglect to examine past behavior or focus too heavily on controlling things to get our desired outcome.

Our actual need is something that God holds and is gifted to us. He made us to be in need.   It is part of our created makeup. And how God fulfills those needs compared to ourselves or the world is fully complete. His ways do not merely suffice or are quick fixes. God does not patch holes or guess. He redeems and makes things new. Every true need that we have is rooted in our ultimate need of dependency on God. And in Christ our needs are met. 

We are prone to be proactive and take action. We love being problem solvers. We were created to be responsive and responsible in life. Our issue with wanting is our nature to be controlling. Wants allow us to spearhead life, negligent of it’s purpose and God’s place in all of it. Needs only remind and rekindle our very dependency with Him and help us to experience his love and mercy abound even greater. 

So without rushing to insert your desires, here are three things you can do to focus on your needs: 

1. Count your Blessings

Recognizing that there are still things that we can be grateful for even in the midst of difficulty, hardship, and trouble can help bring us to a place of humility. Thankfulness can recapture our understanding that our God provides. While we may feel discouraged, this helps us see that we are not lost or that God has lost sight of us. 

2. Forgive as you have been Forgiven

God has already given us an action step that can bring real healing, peace and joy. The problem is it requires letting go of our want for fairness, self determined justice, and vengeance. Reconciliation with another brings with it an even greater understanding of the reconciliation Jesus has done for us. It is here that we are reminded that God provides for our needs and a complete and finished way. The forgiveness we experience on the cross covers over every desire that separates us from Him.

3. Imagine the Kingdom

Holding a kingdom mindset helps us get out of a self fulfilling cycle. Our view of our purpose and our identity become bigger than the desires with which we attempt to fulfill them. Everything is filtered through the lens of who God is and then who He says we are. When we look at Scripture and see how Jesus describes the Kingdom, as it is now and in our future, paints a picture of how our God is our true provider and every need we have will be fulfilled as it ought to be in eternity. How greater is His Kingdom than the momentary afflictions we experience today?


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Ephesians 5:15-21


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