Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and is a safeguard for you. Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. Philippians 3:1-2
Amidst suffering, heartache, challenges, and pain, Christians hold a unique safeguard that protects them from a dark outlook on life, that any reasonable person would declare justifiable. We hold the ability to be joyful in all circumstances. We are empowered to rejoice, when everything tells us not too, because of the Holy Spirit.

Through the Spirit, He instills in us wisdom and understanding of God’s goodness. When we listen to the Spirit revealing God’s goodness, it helps us examine the current circumstance the same way Christ sees it.
In this world there will be trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33
When we are focused on a future with Christ we are spurred on in a hope that outweighs any trial. Because, in the end of all of this, is a risen King seated on His throne. This is the power of the Spirit being given to us by Christ. It is not so we can just have the right attitude about how we live our life, but that we can see the value of our life as Christ does. As one worth dying on the Cross for; and as one worth resurrecting.
Paul urges us not to forget of our safeguard that the Spirit has put in place. There are false teachers and spiritual warfare that would shift our eyes to temporary solutions that promise immediate resolve. But each thing that offers satisfaction in this life is fleeting and demands more sacrifice along the way.
The world has sex; Christians have love. The world strives for security; Christians have trust. The world seeks self gratification, Christians know peace. The world seeks happiness; the Christian counterpart is joy.
- James Montgomery Boice [i]
We should never grow tired of rejoicing in the Lord, if we are caught up in its eternal ramifications.
Rick Terletzky
Excerpt from "Philippians: Devotional Commentary
©2019 Kingship
[i] Philippians | James Montgomery Boice | 1971 | Zondervan