Building & Beyond
It is hard to imagine that only nine months ago Kingship started its building campaign in the hopes of raising $150,000 needed to renovate our newly required building. It’s hard enough to fathom that we even have a building within our first year of launching a church, thanks to an Angel Investor. Yet here we are with every dollar we prayed and asked for. In a short time, we have witnessed such an amazing accomplishment of God’s provision and now construction is well under way. God has brought us to this point, uniting many through their generosity, for the mission and vision of this church to equip all for the Kingdom of God.
In what feels like a dream, we have arrived exactly where we had hoped. And yet now, we see God is taking us beyond that.
At first it came as a discouragement with the cost needed for the renovations exceeding beyond our original estimate; which was contributed by inflation and unforeseen issues with construction. We now need to raise an additional $32,500 by the end of the year.
This can cause some worry…
But what we are realizing is that all of this, including the additional needs, God is entrusting to us. He has entrusted us with so much already and now He is entrusting us with more. Beyond a building… Beyond financial needs… God is preparing us to anticipate a larger need. We know this because it will take more financial giving toward our mission to see this through. In order for there to be more financial giving it means more people will have to get involved and will be activated into their role in the Kingdom of God. Which means that there is great need that God is equipping His kingdom for. So this means, we are hopeful when God asks for us to trust Him more!
Pun intended: God is taking us beyond the needs of a building; and building His people up for His amazing purpose beyond what we could imagine.
Would you consider joining us in trusting in Him to provide in what He has entrusted us with for His Kingdom?
For those that have already given, we want to say Thank You. Every donation matters as it is part of us trusting in His provision together. If you have not yet completely fulfilled your pledge and can still do so, know that your pledge dollars will make a significant difference towards the additional amount now needed. If this is your first time giving, EVER, know that our heart rejoices with the one who trusts Christ with all things. That is what this is all about and what God wants most of all!