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Family Movie Guide for "The Bad Guys"

Writer: Kingship.ChurchKingship.Church

Parent Resource for Biblical Family Discussions on the ideas and lessons from the movie "The Bad Guys"


In the movie “The Bad Guys” it explores the concept, that when you do something that is good or right it will make you feel good on the inside. This can be true. When you choose to be selfless, put the needs of another before yourself, share what you have, or care for someone else you can experience a sense of joy. It can make you feel whole and proud to be yourself.

This is because we are made in the character of God. God is a good God. He cares for us, shares what He has created with us, and loved us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins (The times when we act like the bad guys). He is a giving and sacrificial God. He’s also all that is right and all that is perfect.

When we behave like Him, we are living in the way He made us to be. And that can feel really good; like making Mr. Wolf’s tail wag kind of good. It can feel right because it is another reminder of who God is. The Bible tells us that God can be seen in creation; including when we behave in His likeness.

Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made. So people have no excuse for what they do.

Romans 1:20 NIRV

But sometimes doing the right thing can be hard and difficult. It doesn’t always mean you’ll be happy or that everything works out in the end. In Fact sometimes being good might mean we end up feeling sad. But doing the right thing shouldn’t be about feeling good inside. We should always try to do the right thing because it pleases God and glorifies Him. God is our motivation and our source of joy!

Do everything you say or do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Always give thanks to God the Father through Christ.

Colossians 3:17 NIRV

Did you notice that Professor Marmalade said he got a good feeling when he was doing something bad? How something feels can sometimes lead us to doing the wrong things. For example, when we are angry it can feel like it is okay to hit others even though we know it to be wrong. Just because something feels good in the moment doesn’t mean it is the best thing for us overall. Later it can actually make us feel worse. God has told us what is right and wrong, but most of all Jesus has showed us how to live as “The Good Guys.”

And remember, God is excited to forgive us when we are ready to follow Him.

What “Good” acts did you notice in the movie?

Will it always feel good to do the right thing?

What is a time when it would be hard to do the right thing?

Who decides what is the right thing?

Where can we learn what is good and pleasing to God?

Why do we do good things?

What are some good things you can do today?


Biblical Reflection:

Don’t hold back good from those who are worthy of it.

Don’t hold it back when you can help. // Proverb 3:27 NIRV


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