Over the course of the year, we have been developing an online video course designed to help walk one through discovering a deeper understanding of Jesus and His desire to see us activated into a relationship with Him. The series examines the nature and character of Jesus. Our hope is for it to be a tool that can be shared with friends or be searchable online for anyone needing to learn at their own pace. Nearing the end of the summer, with a small team, we were able to film the four webisodes at McMenamins. How the filming was able to take place at the local pub is a story in and of itself.

McMenamins is known as “thee place” in Hillsboro. The restaurant and pub is a town staple known for preserving older buildings and estate properties. It is an experience when you go. We have continually utilized McMenamins to host many church events open to the public; like our friday night dinners and parties to reach people through the relational fellowship of the church. We even host our Easter and Christmas Eve gatherings there to help bridge hesitations people may have in going to a church building. Over the years we have built a relationship with the local staff and events coordinators of McMenamins. There have been many opportunities through these unique relationships to discuss faith and Jesus. There have been some very impactful moments in these long term relationships.
When the time came to scout a location for the filming of our online series; we immediately thought of McMenamins. While for other events we have rented out rental space on campus, we wanted to do something that was not a traditional service they provided. When we explained to the coordinator what we were hoping to create, they were actually very intrigued. They knew the basic information surrounding the claims of Jesus, but were curious of where that conversation goes next; which was the premise of our series. They offered the use of an area on the grounds and even expressed interest in attending the filming.
The area we wanted to film in was in an open area off to the side of the main restaurant where people often pass and linger. As we set up the cameras for the evening, the area seemed quiet. It seemed like we would have the area to ourselves. However, once the speakers for the evening began to share, about what it means for us that its Jesus who saves and transforms, a crowd grows to listen. It was affirming that the conversation we were feeling called to engage was exactly what some needed to hear; even that night as we filmed.

We hope to release the series on our website before the end of the year. As a church our mission is to equip all for the Kingdom of God. Sometimes we have an idea of who we want to equip, yet God knows exactly who it needs to be. Please join us in praying that this teaching reaches the ears of those that need to hear what it means to discover Jesus. May God use His Church for His glory.
