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  • Writer's pictureKathy Crick

Spiritual Strongholds

Sunday’s teaching was extremely impactful and reflective for me. I personally identified with the topic on spiritual strongholds, as I have seen firsthand how they can influence believers, church leaders, and even an entire church body. How can that be you ask, when I’m a Christian and so are all the other people I connect with. Well, the answer is simple, we are all flawed human beings (even in the church) and we can be easily swayed or led astray by influences, choices, and our own free will…especially if we take our eyes off Jesus (even for a minute). A stronghold, whether it be a behavior or a pattern of thought, can stick to us like glue if we do not equip ourselves with the knowledge, understanding, discernment, and wisdom of God that is provided to us by the Holy Spirit – our weapons against spiritual strongholds. If we lean on our own understanding, then we are susceptible to being led astray. Whether the stronghold is an addiction, a behavior, an idol, a belief, or a sense of fear; if we do not tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and the Armor of God, we are left without weapons…and thus, allow Satan a “stronghold” in that area in our life.



As a church leader for more than 30 years, I have seen and experienced spiritual strongholds in action. They have existed in my own life, as well as within the church. There are spiritual strongholds that are more obvious like deceit, greed, or pride, and then there are less obvious ones (but none-the-less powerful) such as envy, gossip, or bitterness. So, when we are faced with these strongholds, the question is always, “what should I do”. First, we must make sure we are truly focused on the truth of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit – through daily connection with Jesus, study in the Word, and prayer. Second, we must combat the stronghold through our words and actions that align with Jesus and His truth. We must hold one another accountable for “right-behaviors” and encourage one another as we strive to be like Jesus in all we say and do. So, if spiritual strongholds are Satan’s weapon, then Jesus and the Word of God should be our weapon!

I wrote this up on my office whiteboard in my last job, as a daily reminder of my “power” over the spiritual strongholds I was facing or experiencing – holding myself accountable (and those I worked with) for the words and actions amid any spiritual battle encountered.

Sunday’s teaching on spiritual strongholds was a reminder for me to keep my eyes on Jesus, tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, and surround myself with a great assembly of believers that will stand by alongside me in the battle!

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