We believe that the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, is the complete inspired written Word of God, that is infallible and without error in its original text. It carries the full weight of God, and is the final authority over faith and practice, to which we are obligated to submit.
We believe in the one true God, everlasting and unchanging. He is holy and righteous, all knowing, all powerful, and forever present. God is perfectly existing as three distinct and divine persons, equal in power and glory: Father, Son, Holy Spirit
We believe the attributes of our Heavenly Father have been made known to us through the Son. All things come from the Father and have meaning because they are His creation. It is the will of the Father to restore us to Himself by the sacrificial love that sent His Son to die on the cross on our behalf.
We believe the Son eternally exists and through Him all things have been created and are sustained. We believe Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of the Living God, both fully God and fully man. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life among us, and suffered under Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died, buried, and physically rose from the dead. He has ascended into heaven, where He is the only mediator between us and the Father, and will return again in all glory to judge the living and the dead.
We believe the Holy Spirit is eternal and actively present since the beginning of creation. He is the advocate promised to us by Jesus and fulfilled by the Father, to dwell in those that profess Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Spirit reveals all wisdom, truth, and knowledge; teaching and empowering followers of Jesus for the purpose of God’s will.

We believe the good news that Jesus is The Christ, the savior of the world.
Although mankind is the pinnacle of God’s creation, made in the goodness of His image, designed to be in relationship with God, and enjoy Him forever, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
The consequence of mankind’s sinful nature is death, separation between us and God, which we are incapable of restoring on our own. Because of this and God’s infinite love for us, He humbled Himself to become a man and dwell among us, so that He may reconcile us to Himself. By the grace and saving power of Jesus He has paid for the sins of all through the shedding of blood and his death on the cross, substituting His righteousness for our unrighteousness.
And Jesus has overcome death by His resurrection, bringing eternal salvation to those whose faith is in Him alone, that they may be made anew in His character through the Holy Spirit, and stand in the presence of God with freedom and confidence forever.
The Kingdom of God is the authority and manner in which Jesus reigns over Heaven and Earth, and our response to Him.
We believe Jesus is The King. As the King, He is expressing His authority over all things; giving purpose, value, and activating His people into His Kingdom now and forever. Jesus has established the presence of His Kingdom through His people as His Church to experience and testify to the fullness of life.
We the Church are obedient to the calling of the Spirit and to the revealed Word of God in administering the work of His Kingdom to seek the lost and bring the restoration of God’s people to Him. The principles of the Kingdom are to be expressed in the Church and moved out into the world, offering God’s love and hope until Jesus returns again to bring His creation into the fullness of His glory.