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Today, there is a new kind of widow and orphan

that is in great need of the church. Throughout ministry we have seen story after story of broken families navigating the spiritual formation of their children. Our culture has continued to be problematic, setting up the next generation to struggle with their identity and understanding their role in the Kingdom of God.
In the Hillsboro area alone,

1 out of 3 children are from a single parent home. Of those families, the overwhelming majority are without fathers. We have noticed it doesn't stop there. A trend has emerged in the church that sees men noticeably absent or un-engaged.
"It doesn't take much more than a cursory glance

around our homes, churches, communities,

and globe to uncover that men - not all, but many -

have missed the goal to live as a kingdom man."

- Tony Evans
There are too many married moms who have to navigate the spiritual leadership of their family as if they are widows. There are too many disconnected families with children feeling like orphans. Somehow men, not all, have been given permission to take a back seat and disengage from the spiritual formation of their families and communities.

We desire to be a church that cares

for the modern widow and orphan preemptively.
Rather than being reactive,

we believe that there can be more impact for the Kingdom of God if we take on their affliction ahead of any symptoms. This will require the whole church, both men and women, to chase after making the gospel whole for every member of the family and build a strong community around them.


Kingship refers to the authority and manner in which Jesus reigns as King over Heaven and Earth.

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Equipping all for the Kingdom of God



Our desire, as His church, is to help His people come to understand their purpose and value in Christ and equip them to be active in His Kingdom.



Our church values will be most prominent in our passion

to awaken each individual to discipleship,
to strengthen the whole family,
to see men fulfill their true identity and be restorative to
the modern orphan and widow preemptively.

Helping people

engage their role

in the

Kingdom of God

Doing life

together in

community and worship

Biblical teaching that promotes spiritual growth and prepares people for their role and purpose in God's Kingdom

Seeking to praise

Christ in all

that we say and do

It is of no coincidence that in our culture there is a crisis of fatherhood that resembles the very characteristic that God presents Himself as.


The absence and rejection of the responsibility of men in the church, community, and home has left a wake of distortion that hinders many from grappling with the concept that they have a good Father in Heaven who is unwavering in that role. In turn, it has left generations fatherless, without an earthly example. The hope to restore this has been placed on our hearts and we see this as a needed missional focus of the Church. In order to bring restoration of the whole family, we feel that it must be a primary initiative of the direction and leadership of the church to be successful. As we became called to this passion we could not ask another church to shift their own calling and thus planting a new church body became the direction.


It is not solely a focus on men but a gospel cry to restore both men and women to their identity and purpose in the Kingdom of God. The necessary health of both men and women, without neglecting either’s distinctiveness, value, and purpose, can bring about healing for many future generations. We believe that this will only be possible through the grace of Christ and a reformation centered in a heart hungry for God’s Word. 


The absence of their revealed biblical truth, of our identity and purpose, from today’s conversation has created a void in awareness of their freedom and the presence of them exemplified.


For our desire to see the transformation that happens from the truth of Scripture being awoken in others, we first needed to rekindle this desire to pour into God’s Word for ourselves.

In doing so we have laid out a solid foundation that our beliefs can stand on and anchor us firmly while equipping all to seek this for themselves.


We are convinced and convicted of this calling. And so, we are intentional in discipling all to experience a different culture present in the Kingdom of God where there is hope for the fatherless.


These are the foundational truths that we hold to
for our faith and practice as a local church.

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